MOSAC2 Outstanding Professional Award
This award is presented to an individual who serves as a model to other afterschool professionals around the state, exhibiting career proficiency and personal excellence. The individual receiving this award should not only be seen as a leader in their programming, but also in making positive contributions to the field of afterschool in Missouri.
Leigh Ann Clayton, MU Adventure Club
Leigh Ann has been with MU Adventure Club for 20 years. Starting as a Site Facilitator, she provided direct services to children and families at the Columbia site. For most of her time at Adventure Club, Leigh Ann coordinated special events and oversaw multiple sites with part-time site facilitators. Over the years, she has supervised, lead, and mentored hundreds of college students as they grew into their role as site leaders.
Leigh Ann was elected to the MOSAC2 Board of Directors in 2008, and she served as President from 2011-2013. Leigh Ann participated in the MASN-MOSAC2 Merger Committee and post-merger served as the Chair of the Professional Development Committee since 2016. Whether it is the annual Professional Development Institute or Show Me Afterschool Day at the Capitol, Leigh Ann is always ready to volunteer to help make every event a success!
MOSAC2 Rising Star Award
This award is presented to an individual who has been in the afterschool field for 2-5 years or less, but has exhibited a passion and excitement for working with school-age youth. The individual receiving this award should be seen as positive, enthusiastic, and innovative in delivering programming to youth each day.
Prevost McCollum Foushee Jr., Parkway-Rockwood Adventure Club
Prevost has worked as a facilitator at Parkway-Rockwood Adventure Club for five years, creating safe and nurturing environments for youth to develop skills and parents to work productively, knowing their children are in a safe space. His intense passion for improving the lives of children plays a critical role in the development of students’ lives. Not content to help only the students in his programs, Prevost has identified ways to advocate for afterschool programs statewide. In 2019 he collected letters from youth and parents about the importance of afterschool in their lives and delivered them to Senators Blunt and Hawley. In 2020 he joined the MASN Public Policy and Awareness Committee and was selected as a MASN Afterschool Ambassador where he is honing his advocacy skills and helping to advance policies to increase access to quality afterschool programs for Missouri children.
Lifetime Achievement
Sherry Comer, Camdenton R-III
Sherry Comer has served as Director of Afterschool Services for the Camdenton R- III district for 20 years. As Director she is responsible for overseeing 8 before and after school sites. She was part of the original federal grant writing team to introduce 21st CCLC to Central Missouri. She also serves as an Ambassador Emeritus for the Afterschool Alliance out of Washington, DC. In 2003 the Alliance chose her as one of the twenty five individuals in our nation to work with local, state and national leaders to increase funding opportunities and to bring awareness to afterschool programs. In 2004 she was one of only six individuals in the nation asked to serve a second term. She continues to work to increase the number of programs, find new funding sources and improve program quality. She was a founding member of the Missouri Afterschool State Network serving as Policy Committee Chair and has since served as a member of both the Policy and STEM committees.